Technology, Sports, Culture talk

Category: Technology

A DevOps Transition is Just Good Career Development

A friend shared this link with me and asked if these are good steps to making a transition into a DevOps role form more traditional IT experiences.

I have some issues with these five things that are supposed to help transition someone to a “DevOps” job. Instead of focusing on trying to find a job that fits some key buzzwords, I suggest working towards some general career development goals.

Headphones for the Open Office

Open office plans are yet again in the news as Apple’s new headquarters building plans initially included open office spaces for the engineers along with many stories of the frustrated employees being asked to work there. As someone who’s been working in a creative environment that embraces the collaborative space, there are times I find value in it. But I also work on the technical side of an agency which requires heads down time to get things done. I just remarked to someone today that a big pair of headphones is the modern day equivalent of a closed door to an office since nobody has doors anymore. I’ve never been one to listen to music to try and drown out the noise, but learning I need to find a way to focus an hour or so once a day. So I started looking at some options that might go well with some white noise or music.

Apply Software Development Practice to Application Configuration

Ops teams should always strive towards implementing the best application configuration strategy and infrastructure as code solution that will work best for each scenario. However, Puppet, Chef, Ansible, and other similar products may not be the right solution for every project and team. Depending on the DevOps maturity of the team, flexible delivery capabilities needed, feature plugin issues, or off-release work cycles, building a custom solution could be the steps needed get a team from manually editing configurations in production to a fully automated continuous integration pipeline. We want to avoid the scenario where “when you’ve got a hammer, every problem looks like a nail”.

Detroit.Code() information

I’ll be posting some notes, slides, and additional information here after I’ve completed my talks at Detroit.Code() this week. Thanks to the whole Amegala crew at

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